Online reservation


Birthday Package(Birthday)

  • 1 départ = 1 famille/groupe
  • Si la date est en rouge, cela signifie que nous sommes complets.

Êtes-vous un résident de Portneuf?

Tous les résidents de la région de Portneuf bénéficient du «rabais de l’ambassadeur» qui offre 20% de réduction sur nos tarifs unitaires.

Rabais applicable lors de votre visite.
Sur présentation d’une preuve de résidence.
Non-jumelable à toute autre promotion.

Indiquez le nom des fêtés

Choose your treasure hunt

Would you be interested in a meal?

We have delicious bundles offering a tasting of products from Fromagerie Alexis de Portneuf as well as all the accompaniments that will complete a tasty meal (baguette bread, terrine, beverages, nuts, etc.)

Would you like to make a donation to Laura Lémerveil organization?

Laura Lémerveil est un organisme qui accompagne les enfants et jeunes adultes vivant en situation de handicap sévère et soutient leur famille.



At our place, birthdays are well organized, secure, fun, surprising and original. The adults and the children participate in the activity. It is not rare to see parents having as much fun as the children and even more sometimes… With this in mind, you can decide that your child’s party is with the extended family or if you prefer, only with friends. All you have to do is bring your lunch, your cake and above all your good humor!

Ages: 2 to 12 years old
Path: 1 km to 1,7 km
Duration: 2 hours

Additional information



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