Calendrier 2024


Departures are every 20 minutes, between 9.20am and 2.20pm.
The Secrete Valley may be forced to close due to bad weather or work.


Thème d'été
Fairy Charming

May 4th to September 1st 2024

Parcours offerts:

Rally of centipedes: 2 to 4 years old
Small Adventure: 5 to 8 years old
Quest of Compasses: 9 to 12 years old


Solve puzzles that will broaden your knowledge of the fascinating world of Quebec forest animals.


Watch the Teeny-Tiny Dwarves attempt to convince various animals to come and settle in their charming valley. They are full of praise and efforts to welcome newcomers to their homes.

Festival des Papis & Mamies
Grandpa & Grandma Festival

August 13th to August 25th 2024

Parcours offerts:

All paths


Regular rates -10%


In order to make the end of the holidays more fun, The Secret Valley organized the Grandpa & Grandma Festival! For this occasion, all families accompanied by a grandparent will get a 10% discount on the unit rate of a treasure hunt. Maximum of 7 people per family.


Thème d'automne
Candy, potions and incantations

September 14th to October 27th 2024

Parcours offerts:

Rally of centipedes: 2 to 4 years old
Small Adventure: 5 to 8 years old
Quest of Compasses: 9 to 12 years old


Solve the puzzles of friendly monsters visiting The Secret Valley.


Watch the Teeny-Tiny Dwarves communicate with wise spirits who reveal their future and give them advice.

Atelier d'Halloween de Fabrication de Savon
Atelier d'Halloween de Fabrication de Savons

12 octobre 2024 de 10:00 à 11:00


16,00$/enfant (chaque participant doit être accompagné d'un adulte)


Fabriquez une potion nettoyante «bave de crapaud» ainsi qu’un savon complètement «halloweenesque» lors de cet atelier parent-enfant spécial dirigé par la maître alchimiste Nancy de Bien dans son pot.

* 15 places disponibles


Thème d'hiver
Santa Claus’ little spies around the world

November 16th to December 22nd 2024

Parcours offerts:

Rally of centipedes: 2 to 4 years old
Small Adventure: 5 to 8 years old
Quest of Compasses: 9 to 12 years old


Get in the holiday mood by discovering interesting and fun Christmas traditions and legends from around the world.


On the occasion of the holiday season , the members of the Teeny-Tiny Dwarfs' Hiding Place prepared you a Christmas legend which relate a meeting between a Teeny-Tiny Dwarf and three ghosts. Enjoy the festive time before Christmas to learn more about the folklore of The Secret Valley and about the little creatures that inhabit it.

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