
How the idea of the Secret Valley came to us?

We had a flash of genius one morning. Why not make a never seen, non-existent project. With some vague ideas of the final result, without a big budget, no place where to realize it, by starting from zero? Who would be crazy enough to let pass a similar opportunity! So we dove in troubled waters for a few years, time for the sediments to fall to the bottom and allow us to see clearly. Then, we followed a recipe which did not exist yet. How lucky you are, you can take advantage of it now because we experimented it for you!

The Secret Recipe:
  • a handful of madmen
  • a Dwarfinventor
  • 20 years of experience
  • endless ideas
  • originality
  • theme
  • a Plot of land
  • time
  • patience
  • Mix everything in a cauldron (there is too much ingredient for a mixing bol) brew few years.
  • Present the result to anyone who might be listening.
  • Let it ferment.
  • Wide open the door so the visitors may introduce it self.
  • Than, wait few more years. And here you have the Secret Valley!

Also discover an incredible invention of the Dwarfinventor: the orthosis of writing.


The Secret Valley; a family history!

The Teeny-Tiny Dwarf’s family is very welded. Since our beginning, the immediate family, and relatives, friends and many more, each contributed with there ideas and actively participated in this project. Here are some facts about certain characters who have helped in the creation and the evolution of this beautiful project that is The Secret Valley.

Louis-Joe, the grandfather
The soul of the Valley

The father of the Dwarfinventor, is a hard worker, precise, meticulous and a legend of sweetness, he was an inspiration for everyone who met him. He encouraged the Dwarfinventor in his projects. So, The Secret Valley started from encouragements from Louis-Joseph Blackburn, the jolly fellow with a twinkle in the eyes like a Gnome!

Richard, the father
The Dwarfinventor

As his name indicates , there are no limits in this brain brimming with ideas. An idea does not wait for another, but especially, a solution does not wait for the other, it’s easy finding ideas, but finding how to make them, is the speciality of the Dwarfinventor. This self-taught of 1001 trades always manages to go to the end of his wildest dreams. When he met the Teeny-Tiny Dwarf at The Secret Valley twenty years ago this changed the course of his life for ever!

Christiane, the mother
The Dwarfcompleted

The Dwarfcompleted role is the preservation of the balance, the harmony and the finances. Such a thoughtful mom, she makes sure that all have enough all year along. This compulsive knitting machine and professional researcher of four-leaf clovers has more energy than 10 Teeny-Tiny Dwarfs combined. She is everywhere at the same time, she climbs up trees, cutes wood, gardens, makes souvenirs, welcomes people, works hard, day after day, she is the marathon runner of the group.

Sandy, the daughter
The Dwarfcolors

he Valley is profoundly impregnated by Dwarfcolors who adores crazy colors. She is a cheerful person with who will burst out laughing contemptuously like the sound music or lively paints. Totally soaked in the magic potion of creativity since her birth, she expresses creativity non-stop. She is just bursting with energy and amazes the Teeny-Tiny Dwarfs as well as the Dwarfguests.

Jason, the son
The Dwarfprecise

Today Jason is a Dwarfambulancemen, he used to maintain the magnificent paths of The Secret Valley. The carpentry, the sewing, the computing, the mechanics are only some tasks mastered by this by-product of the Dwarfcompleted and the Dwarfinventor. Jason was the first lucky one to experiment an interactive game personalized for his anniversary. Every product of the Secret Valley was tested and approved by Jason, no animal was hurt during the creation process.

David, the son-in-law
The Dwarfdetermined

This mechanic by profession was the wizard's apprentice to the Dwarfinventorfor a few years. Whether it was for the construction of buildings, the maintenance of the machinery, or to make the items hidden in a key box, this Dwarfintelligent jack of all trades used to dismantle small electrical appliances at his parents house never putting them back together is now an outstanding repairer. When the Dwarfdetermined searches for something, he finds it!

Fannie, the daughter-in-law
The Dwarfinfographe

To celebrate the 10 th anniversary of The Secret Valley, this young academic with glasses joined our the team to refresh our web site. She adores everything that can be done with a computer as long as it is beautiful. Nothing is forgotten under the attentive and critical eye of this smiling compulsive photographer. When she comes out of her hiding place, it is to magnificently make-up the children during the Moonlight evenings.

The Dwarfcleaner

Hats washed well every day and for ever! So is her slogan. You will certainly feel the happiness in the clean hats that you will wear during your visit. It is even possible that this happiness will be transmitted to you by your hair. If there is something to cleany you can be sure, The Dwarfcleaner will be there!

The Dwarfvolunteer

If you see Mimi at the bend of a path, you will recognize her. This small joyful woman with long hair seems to float on a cloud that smells like clean linen dried on the clothesline …


Grand prix du tourisme québécois 2010
Grand Prix du Tourisme québécois 2010

On March 30th 2010, we had the wonderful surprise of receiving the Le Grand Prix du Tourisme Québecois 2010 in the category " Tourist attraction of less than 100 000 visitors ". It is to our Dwarfbelievers like you that we owe it.

Pour en savoir plus, lisez le communiqué de Tourisme Portneuf ainsi que l'article paru dans L'Info Portneuf ou l'article paru dans le Courrier de Portneuf.

Lauréat du Gala Valoris de 2011 dans la catégorie Tourisme et Culture
Prize-winner of Gala Valoris of 2011 in the category Tourism and Culture.

Pour en savoir plus, vous pouvez consulter le site de l'Union des chambres de commerce et d'industrie du Portneuf.

Le site de La Vallée Secrète.
Special distinct of the Commercial sector of the committee of the embellishment of St-Raymond.

September 11 2014, The Secret Valley receive a special mention of the Commercial sector of the committee of the embellishment of St-Raymond.

Pour en savoir plus, lisez l'article paru dans L'Info Portneuf .


Laura Lémerveil

Laura Lémerveil

Collecte de dons

La Vallée Secrète est fière d’amasser des dons pour l’organisme Laura Lémerveil.

«L’organisme communautaire Laura Lémerveil ose croire qu’il est possible de s’accomplir pleinement malgré la sévérité du polyhandicap. Sensible et à l’écoute des besoins exprimés par les familles et leurs enfants vivant en situation de handicaps multiples et sévères, il les soutient et les accompagne en développant un continuum de services de proximité normalisant.»

Ayant elle-même travaillé auprès de personnes handicapées pour la conceptualisation du «The Blackburn System for writing and other multiple uses», l’équipe de La Vallée Secrète est très sensible à ce sujet et surtout à l’importance d’offrir les moyens nécessaires aux personnes ayant des limitations physiques d’accomplir des choses qui leur seraient impossibles autrement.


Fromagerie Alexis de Portneuf

Alexis de Portneuf

Découverte de produits locaux

Find delicious cheese product fromAlexis de Portneuf within our Hungry Dwarf Bundle.


Au Chalet en Bois Rond

Au Chalet En Bois Rond

10% de rabais

Obtenez 10% de rabais à La Vallée Secrète lorsque vous réservez un chalet chez Au Chalet En Bois Rond.


Au Chalet De La Vallée

Au Chalet De La Vallée

10% de rabais

Obtenez 10% de rabais à La Vallée Secrète lorsque vous réservez un chalet chez Au Chalet De La Vallée.


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